Owens Nominated to Continue as Conference Superintendent

ATLANTA, GA (January 12, 2015) — The Southeast Conference Executive Board has nominated Roberts Owens to continue to serve as superintendent of the Southeast Conference, a position he has held since 2007. His election will be held during the conference Annual Meeting, May 6–8 in New Orleans.

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Owens served Grace Covenant Church in Compton, California, from 1984 to 1991. He planted and served New Life Covenant Church in Atlanta from 1992 to 2001, and has since then led the Southeast Conference as associate superintendent and superintendent.

He was presented with the Irving C. Lambert Award, which honors excellence in urban ministry, at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the denomination. At the 2014 gathering, Owens was honored as the first recipient of the North Park Theological Seminary Alumni Award for Distinguished Service.

“He is a pastor’s pastor, he is a preacher’s preacher, he’s a mentor of young pastors, he is a bishop of souls,” Dave Kersten, dean of North Park Theological Seminary, said during the celebration.

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