If You Were Directing a Film Version of the Bible, Who Would You Cast to Play God?

CHICAGO, IL (January 14, 2015) — On Easter NBC will launch a new mini-series, A.D., which picks up where the popular series The Bible left off. It’s part of a long Hollywood tradition of depicting biblical stories on screen—amid much fanfare and discussion around their casting choices.

george burnsJuan Pablo Di Pace plays Jesus in this adaptation, which led us to consider the range of actors to play God in various films—from John Huston in The Bible (1966), to George Burns in Oh, God! (1977), to Alanis Morissette in Dogma (1999)—and of course Morgan Freeman in Bruce Almighty (2003).

So for the Covenant Companion’s next Big Q, we’d like to know this: If you were directing a film version of the Bible, who would you cast to play God? (And why?)

Provide your response in the comment section below or by emailing Cathy Norman Peterson. We’ll publish a selection of your answers in the March/April issue of the Companion. Please include your name, your church, and the town where you live.

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Covenant Companion

The Communications staff at The Evangelical Covenant Church works to bring you the most complete information on the stories that matter to the Covenant.

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