Special Disaster Relief Fund for Nepal Established

CHICAGO, IL (April 27, 2015) – Local partners in Nepal already are using funds from Covenant World Relief to provide assistance to survivors of the earthquake that has claimed the lives of nearly 4,000 people so far.

82566881_nepal_earthquake_624A special CWR disaster relief fund for Nepal has been set up. Executive director Dave Husby said this morning that he already has had churches contact him about how to give.

“In these first two days after the earthquake in Nepal, I have been amazed at the response of Covenant churches and individuals who want to contribute to the relief work,” he said. “I’m very grateful to be a part of a church denomination that cares so deeply for the suffering.”

That suffering increases by the day as the area is hit by aftershocks, and the death toll continues to climb past 3,700 people. Thousands of people are sleeping in the streets, news agencies reported.

“This is one of those major disasters where I wince every time I check for an update because the numbers of those who have died and been injured continues to grow as more remote communities are reached,” Husby said.

“The relief efforts in the first few days are crucial to reach those who are without food, water, and shelter, and those who need medical care,” he said.

As always, CWR will be working with local partners. “We expect to continue supporting relief and recovery efforts in Nepal for months and perhaps years to come,” Husby said

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