Five for Friday: Brilliant Photography, Curry’s Faith, and Fallon Seesaws with James Taylor

CHICAGO, IL (June 19, 2015) — Many Covenanters routinely share links to social media articles and videos with one another that Covenant News Service believes may be of interest to others. Each Friday we post five of them. Following is a sample of those submissions—their inclusion does not represent an endorsement by the Covenant of any views expressed.

Winners of the 2015 iPhone Photography Awards Announced
Who knew you could do so much with an iPhone camera? These images are stunning and, like all good photography, help us see the world differently. The photographers were allowed to use various apps on their phones, but not special filters or desktop tools. Be sure to check out the links to the different categories at the bottom of the page to see more than the top three winners.

Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images
Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images

Curry: I Can Do All Things Through Christ
The Billy Graham Association re-posted this story about basketball superstar Stephen Curry after his team, the Golden State Warriors, defeated the Cleveland Cavaliers for the NBA Championship this week. The article quotes a column Curry wrote for Fellowship of Christian Athletes, in which he stated he likes to draw attention to “the Man who died for our sins on the cross. I know I have a place in Heaven waiting for me because of Him, and that’s something no earthly prize or trophy could ever top.”

Why Do We Ignore Parts of the Bible?
Here are several ways to approach those biblical texts where, the article’s author reminds us, “you find some stuff so sexually charged, it would make Miley Cyrus blush—and violence so brutal, it would challenge Quentin Tarantino’s aesthetic sensibilities.” I don’t think Cyrus would blush or Tarantino’s sensibilities would be challenged, but the point is well taken.

NBC Will Keep Brian Williams But on MSNBC
If you’ve seen MSNBC’s ratings, you know this decision is equivalent to being exiled to a nearly deserted island. Williams’s lies caught up with him, but since he was owed millions of dollars, it was hard for NBC to make him go completely away. Past words also are catching up with another media icon, Rush Limbaugh, who recently wound up being dropped by yet another popular large market station—most recently in Boston. His daily program is now hosted by WKOX, which has a whopping 0.6 rating. Advertisers have fled in droves ever since he spent three days in 2012 colorfully castigating graduate student Sandra Fluke because she testified before Congress that the lawmakers should include contraception mandates in health insurance legislation.

Fallon Dresses Up As James Taylor, Seesaws with Actual James Taylor
Jimmy Fallon and his writers already come up with some of the most clever bits on TV, especially when he enlists other celebrities to participate in his silliness. Together he and James Taylor sing “Seesaw,” written in the style of the five-time Grammy winner. With lyrics like “What goes up must come down too. The seesaw changes our point of view,” you might even find it inspirational and thought-provoking. Maybe.

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