CHIC Mainstage Experiences to Be Streamed Live

KNOXVILLE, TN (July 8, 2015) — For the first time, Mainstage CHIC events will be streamed live. They can be viewed at the CHIC 2015 website.

The triennial event that attracts thousands of high school students from around the world begins Sunday, July 12, and runs through Friday, July 17, at the University of Tennessee.

On Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, the streaming will begin at 8 p.m. EDT. On Tuesday, the streaming will begin at 7:30 p.m. EDT.

“The message at CHIC makes such a deep impact in the lives of our youth and our denomination that we want to give an opportunity to get a glimpse into that message,” said Tim Ciccone, team leader for Covenant youth ministry. “To that end, the live video stream will include the Mainstage events, and we want to invite the entire denomination to join us in worship and prayer over how God is raising up this younger generation and also how he continues to lead us as his church!”

Sunday: Ben Stuart will be the speaker.

Monday: Lecrae will be musical artist and speaker.

Tuesday: Judy Peterson will be the speaker. For King and Country will be the musical artist.

Wednesday: Eugene Cho will be the speaker. Moriah Peters will be the musical artist.

Thursday: Louie Giglio will be the speaker. Rend Collective will be the musical artist.

Videos of the Mainstage speakers will be available following the conference as well.

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