Don’t Know Much about History? Redesigned Website Can Help

By Stan Friedman

CHICAGO, IL (July 13, 2015) — The Covenant Archives and Historical Library website has been redesigned so that is easier to navigate, mobile friendly, and even richer in information.

“Covenanters who aren’t historians might enjoy browsing through our Covenant digital collections,” said Archives director Anna-Kajsa Anderson. She noted that the Archives boasts more than 7,000 scanned photographs with more being frequently added. The Archives also displays its holdings on the North Park University campus.

The Covenant Archives contains the administrative records of the ECC and North Park University. It also collects personal correspondence, diaries, photographs, audio and video recordings, and other documentary materials pertaining to the activities of North Park University, Covenant ministries, institutions, and churches.

She emphasized, “You don’t need to be a historian to visit the archives. All are welcome to make an appointment to learn more about what we have, what we do, or to explore a bit of Covenant history.

“The archives has also started dipping its toes in creating digital exhibits, and these are being linked on the exhibits webpage,” Anderson said. The Phoebe and Missionären exhibits—highlighting two publications—are the latest additions.

The Phoebe exhibit was created in preparation for the upcoming centennial of Women Ministries (previously Covenant Women) in 2016. “An exciting aspect of this publication is the light it sheds on the critical fundraising by women for Covenant endeavors in a time when the opportunities for women to contribute to the church at an organizational level were limited,” Anderson said.

The Missionären exhibit is a collection of the Covenant’s first official news organ, which was published in Swedish. “It’s a particularly important source for news from the Covenant’s mission fields and institutions in both the United States and abroad,” Anderson said. It was published out of the basement of Old Main at North Park.

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