ECCSS Leader Calls for More Agency Cooperation to Help Refugees

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UPPER NILE STATE, SOUTH SUDAN (November 13, 2015) — More cooperation among national and international organizations is needed to help internally displaced people (IDP) within South Sudan, Mathew Jock Moses, a leader with the Evangelical Covenant Church of South Sudan (ECCSS), told the Sudan Tribune.

“The IDPs who have remained in helpless circumstances in those health centers are desperately looking for immediate support to save their lives. They lack most of their basic needs,” said Mathew.

Internally displaced people are those who have been forced from their homes but have not crossed the border to another country. Since civil war broke out in December 2013 between factions aligned with President Salva Kiir against his former vice president Riek Machar, 2.2 million people have been forced from their homes, and 4.4 million face starvation.

The article noted the compassion work of the ECCSS in conjunction with the Relief Organization for South Sudan to provide health supplies to camps in two counties. The ECCSS has developed a strong reputation in South Sudan and the refugee camps in Ethiopia and Kenya for working with other groups and helping the poorest of the poor regardless of religious or tribal connection.

In the Sudan Tribune story, Mathew credited the Evangelical Covenant Church and Covenant World Relief for making the work possible.

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