Violence Erupts in Refugee Camp

GAMBELLA, ETHIOPIA (February 5, 2016) – Mathew Jock Moses, the director of projects and social development for the Evangelical Covenant Church of South Sudan (ECCSS), said today that violence had broke out in the Pugnido refugee camp in the Gambella region of Ethiopia, where many Sudanese fled to escape fighting in their native country.

Mathew-with-kids1Attackers reportedly used small rifles and machetes against members of the Nuer and several other tribes. “We have heard that a dozen of the refugees were killed and still waiting for the accurate information to come from our church leaders and relatives over there,” Mathew said.

Most ECCSS members are Nuer.

“It’s very sad that the death and the suffering are still dwelling on the people of South Sudan even if they are living in country of asylum like Ethiopia,” Mathew said.


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