#NPU125Day Benefits Future Students

CHICAGO, IL (May 13, 2016) — On the 125th day of its 125th anniversary year, North Park University raised more than $131,000 to provide financial aid for university and seminary students.

The event billed #NPU125Day was celebrated on campus May 4. Alumni joined students, many of whom wore the school’s blue and gold colors, for a variety of activities.

Social media promoted the event throughout the day, helping the school to surpass its goal of $125,000. There were more than 92,000 Twitter impressions and 10,000 views on Facebook.

North Park awards $13 million in scholarships annually to students at the university and seminary. Financial aid is provided to 95 percent of undergraduate students and 78 percent of seminary students.

Special events are planned throughout the year to celebrate the school’s history, which began with its founding in 1891.

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