Big Q: What Are Your Fondest, Funniest Memories of Sunday School?


By Linda Sladkey

CHICAGO, IL (May 19, 2016)—One of my childhood Sunday-school teachers passed away this year. A kind lady with bouffant hair who went beyond showing a squirrely group of fifth graders that she loved us—she showed us that she genuinely liked us. As I’ve been pondering the forty years since I sat around the table in her classroom, I realize that kind of relationship is exactly why I became a Sunday-school teacher myself.

Memories of the years I spent teaching Bible stories to kindergarteners are filled with funny and sometimes trying moments. One morning I was sporting a new hairstyle and an earnest young girl asked if I had forgotten to comb my hair that day. Or there was the boy who listened to the entire Easter story of Jesus’s resurrection and then shouted with wonder, “And he does that every year too!”

The Companion is wondering what memories you have of Sunday school, either as a child or as a teacher. What are your fondest, funniest Sunday school memories?


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Covenant Companion

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