New South Sudan Church President Elected

GAMBELA, ETHIOPIA (May 31, 2016) — Mathew Jock Moses has been elected to a four-year term as the president of the Evangelical Covenant Church of South Sudan and Ethiopia.

Mathew-with-kids1He succeeds Abraham Tuach and will assume office July 28. Mathew is the fifth president of the denomination.

“He is an amazing young man, and I believe he will lead well,” said Dave Husby, director of Covenant World Relief.

Mathew has been serving as ECCSS projects and social development director. In that capacity, he has overseen the development and relief work for the denomination, including its work with South Sudanese refugees, and has consulted for church leaders in other nations.

He is scheduled to speak at the 2016 Annual Stott-Bediako Forum on the Gospel and World Today, which will be held June 13-14 at the Oxford Center for Mission Studies. This year’s theme is “The Refugee Crisis: A Shared Human Condition.”

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