Njaramba Laid to Rest in Kenya

0713 njaramba funeralMURANG’A, KENYA (July 13, 2016) — A funeral service was held yesterday for John Njaramba Kiruga, the
moderator of the Evangelical Covenant Church of Kenya who was slain along with five other people when gunmen connected with the terrorist group Al-Shabaab attacked the bus in which he was riding on July 1.

Njaramba was returning from facilitating a peacemaking training in Garissa and Mandera when the attack occurred near the border with Somalia.

The seminars were in especially dangerous locations. Al-Shabaab, a terrorist group linked with Al-Qaeda, had killed 148 people last April in Garissa, and Mandera had been the site of frequent attacks. Both locations are near the border.

Covenant World Relief had sponsored the training. Days before he died, Njaramba had emailed CWR director Dave Husby, saying, “Mandera is not that safe for now, but we must preach peace at all cost.”

More images and a video of the service can be found on the ECCK Facebook page.



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