Special Relief Fund Established for Aleppo Survivors

CHICAGO, IL (December 19, 2016) – A special fund has been established to help fund Covenant World Relief partners ministering to Syrians in Aleppo.

thumbnail_alepporeliefCovenant World Relief is working with partners in the area. Efforts include providing basic survival care, hygiene kits, food, and medical care.

Roughly 31,000 people have been killed in Aleppo, Syria’s largest city, in the last four years. A United Nations official earlier this year called it “the apex of horror.”

“As we hear from Aleppo, our hearts break for those who are suffering in the midst of such violence,” CWR staff member Chrissy Palmerlee said today. “We are deeply grateful for the work of local partners who are committed to responding to the needs of the most vulnerable in the midst of great tragedy for all.”

The rebel-held city has been largely retaken by Syrian forces. The latest agreement to evacuate city residents was reached hours ago, but several other agreements have quickly fallen apart.


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