President Walter Expresses Gratitude, Encourages Year-End Support

Dear Friends and Partners in Covenant Mission and Ministry,

I send Christmas greetings and sincere thanks for your faithful support of the Evangelical Covenant Church.

As the year comes to a close, please join me in making a generous year-end gift to our mission and ministry. You can donate online here.

Your active participation is vital in advancing God’s work through the Covenant. Covenant Mission and Ministry helps to support and resource 115 missionaries in 22 countries around the world. It helps to extend the Good News to more people, in more places with the love of Christ and the hope that comes when this love is shared through ministries of compassion and care.

Beyond those ministries it helps us advance ministry in a total of 53 nations where we serve in partnership and special projects. Your gift supports a new church plant every two or three weeks somewhere in the US or Canada and the active expansion of ministries of compassion and justice here at home. It supports Covenant churches in their journey of revitalization, and it creates the freedom to respond proactively to new opportunities for high-impact mission and ministries here and around the world.

Thank you for all you do to strengthen and care for the life of the community and this mission of the church.

Best wishes for a joyous and blessed new year.

In His Service,

Gary B Walter, President


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