COV Sparks: Seminary Disrupted, No Longer a Stranger, American Lessons

CHICAGO, IL (January 12, 2017) — COV Sparks, the downloadable discussion guide for groups and individuals based on articles from the January/February issue of the Covenant Companion, is available now. It
features questions designed for reflection, journaling, and small-group interaction.

Articles in the issue include:

“Seminary Disrupted”

Methods and models of theological education are undergoing rapid change. Kurt Fredrickson, a Covenant minister and associate dean for doctor of ministry and continuing education at Fuller Theological Seminary, writes about ways seminaries must adapt in order to survive in our current climate.

“New Realities, Same Conviction”

Al Tizon, executive minister of Serve Globally challenges the way we see the world and how we engage in global mission.

“No Longer a Stranger”

Craig Swanson, pastor of First Covenant Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan, shares how his church has embraced hospitality.

“American Lessons”

Navy chaplain and Covenant minister Mark Won writes a letter to his younger self on race, faith, and fatherhood.

COV Sparks questions are also available for Companion columnists John E. Phelan Jr., Jelani Greenidge, Diana Trautwein, and Kathy Khang.

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