Cov Sparks: Reimagining Community Partnerships, Stored-Up Sorrow, Learning from a Silent Son

CHICAGO, IL (May 24, 2017) —COV Sparks, the downloadable discussion guide for small groups, Sunday school classes, and personal enrichment based on articles from the May/June issue of The Covenant Companion, is available now. It features questions designed for reflection, journaling, and small-group interaction.

Articles in this issue include:

Reimagine That: Partners in Community

More and more Covenant congregations are asking, “What does it mean to be the church in my neighborhood?” Covenanters in this quartet of stories are bringing entrepreneurial vision to their communities.

A Stored-Up Sorrow

Grief can surprise you in the most unexpected moments, even decades after a tragedy. Royce Eckhardt was sitting in a McDonald’s getting ready to eat his hamburger when he noticed a paper mat on his tray soliciting donations for leukemia research. Suddenly the sorrow of his six-year-old brother’s death came rushing back and overwhelmed him.

Four Seasons

Four Covenanters at different life stages share how transitions from one to another have brought their own unique challenges and how those challenges have become opportunities to experience God’s love afresh.

The Word without Words

A mother of a boy with an autism spectrum disorder that keeps him from having a normal conversation discovers the depth of God’s creation through the language of her son.




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