Transitioning Execs to be Feted at Gather’17 Banquet

DETROIT, MI (May 31, 2017) – Four transitioning ECC executives will be honored at the opening dinner of Gather’17. The dinner will be held Thursday, June 22. The meeting runs through Saturday, June 24, and will be held at The Renaissance Center.

David Dwight, president of Covenant Ministries of Benevolence (CMB), is retiring. “Little did I know 37 years ago when I accepted a position as assistant administrator at Covenant Village of Northbrook that my life’s work would lead to being president of CMB,” Dwight said. “I have been unbelievably blessed and am grateful for the opportunity to have served in this capacity and within the ministry of the ECC.”
Jeff Anderson, superintendent of the Evangelical Covenant Church of Canada (ECCC), and his wife, Darlene, have been called to serve as co-directors of Serve Globally’s newly created Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

Jeff has served five terms as ECCC superintendent since first taking office in 1997. For the past 10 years, he has been influential in connecting the conference and local churches throughout the Covenant with ministries in the Middle East.

Jerome Nelson, superintendent of the Central Conference, is retiring at the conclusion of his third term on August 31, 2017. He was first elected in 2005, having previously served as the conference’s director of Church and Society Ministries. Among his accomplishments, the conference has grown more multi-ethnic under his leadership.


David Parkyn, president of North Park University since 2006, retired at the completion of the 2016-17 academic year. During his presidency, Parkyn presided over Campaign North Park, the largest fundraising effort in the university’s history, raising over $63 million in financial commitments that resulted in the completion of the state-of-the-art Nancy and G. Timothy Johnson Center for Science and Community Life. Due to Parkyn’s personal schedule, he will not be able to attend.

Thirteen new missionaries also will be consecrated.

Registration for Gather ’17 is open until June 13.


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