ECC Explores Changes for Future Annual Meetings

Rebecca Gonzalez and Marti Burger announced possible changes to future Annual Meetings. Photo: Mike Nyman Photography

DETROIT, MI (June 24, 2017) – Denominational leaders will seek to hold the 2019 Annual Meeting at a church rather than a hotel, it was announced today at the 132nd Annual Meeting, which is being held at the Renaissance Center.

Director of Events Marti Burger and Executive Director of Operations Rebecca Gonzalez told delegates that the decision had been made based on responses to roundtable discussions held at the 2016 gathering. Minneapolis already has been chosen as the site for next year’s meeting.

The Annual Meeting is denomination’s highest governing authority, but attendance has steadily dropped at the gatherings. The ECC is one of the few large denominations still holding national meetings every year.

Burger said that in addition to delegate feedback, the denomination also sent surveys to churches that had stopped attending, which netted a good response rate. Comments also were received from other Covenanters.

Respondents said they preferred that the meeting be held annually, but at least every other year if every year is not feasible. People did express concern, however, about losing a sense of connection.

Respondents said cost was prohibitive for many churches. Options going forward included meeting at local churches or conference centers, combining the national annual meeting with regional conference meetings, or possibly livestreaming to multiple locations where delegates could gather and vote electronically.

Burger said organizers already had made changes this year in response to feedback. She noted that the alterations gave many more opportunities for delegates to connect with denominational leaders. For example, CovTalks and more roundtable discussions were held during the meetings.

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