New Initiative to ‘Immerse’ Churches in Scripture

Michelle Sanchez introduces Immerse.

DETROIT, MI (June 27, 2017) – Immerse: The Covenant Bible Reading Experience, a follow-up to the immensely successfully Covenant Community Bible Experience (CBE), will be released in the fall, Michelle Sanchez, executive minister for Make and Deepen Disciples, announced to delegates at the 132nd Covenant Annual Meeting on Saturday.

Immerse will provide churches the framework and materials that will enable them to read in community through the entire Bible over the course of three years. The initiative will use the New Living Translation version but without chapters and verses.

More than 40,000 people and 400 churches participated in the CBE over the past year, Sanchez said. She added that those who took part kept asking, “What’s next?” The Covenant Bible Reading Experience answers that question. “As People of the Book, we can’t be satisfied just with a one-time experience of reading through the New Testament,” said Sanchez.

Churches that have not yet participated in reading the New Testament can begin with Immerse: Messiah, and those that have completed the New Testament may now continue with the Old Testament Immerse: Beginnings, which covers the first five Books of the Old Testament. Over a three-year period, a church will be able to read the entire Bible together in community.

The Covenant is partnering with Tyndale House Publishers. Many of the same team members that put together Community Bible Experience are developing Immerse.

Interested Covenanters should visit the Covenant’s Immerse website for more information and to sign up for updates.

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