Merge Ministries Coordinating Mission Trips to Houston

Photo by Gloria Estela Hernández

HOUSTON, TX (September 1, 2017) – Merge Ministries will coordinate mission teams for Covenant congregations that want to travel to the Houston area to help with relief and recovery, it was announced Thursday.

Working through Merge, which has extensive experience planning mission trips, will maximize effectiveness and minimize confusion onsite, said Garth Bolinder, superintendent of the Midsouth Conference.

Needs are currently being assessed. It will probably be at least several days before specific actions will be identified.

To set up a trip, please contact executive director Dale Lusk by email at or call (956) 458-9568.

The Covenant also has set up a special giving page to assist victims of the disaster in the near and long-term future. Donors can contribute online.

“The costs of relief and recovery from Hurricane Harvey will be staggering,” Bolinder said. “All money designated for Houston Hurricane relief will initially be directed to and through our ECC Houston churches and their relief and recovery efforts in their city.”

Midsouth Covenant churches in Austin, Dallas, and the Rio Grande Valley have offered their church buildings and homes to welcome evacuees from the Houston hurricane.

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