Latest Cov Sparks Discussion Guide Now Available

CHICAGO, IL (September 15, 2017) — The COV Sparks downloadable discussion guide is now available for the September/October issue of The Covenant Companion. Based on articles from the current issue of the magazine, COV Sparks provides stimulating questions for Sunday-school classes, small-group discussions, and personal reflection.

Articles highlighted in this latest edition include:

“Great Commission, Rural Edition,” by Bob Smietana

Resiliency, everyday kindness, and generosity characterize the rural churches highlighted in this insightful cover story. Learn more about how our rural Covenant communities are growing, giving, and embracing change.

“The Accidental Church Planter,” an interview with Kimberly Wright

Kimberly Wright shares her unique story of stumbling into church planting. After wrestling with her calling into ministry, she now leads a diverse congregation in East Harlem where everyone is welcome at the table.

A Slice of Pietism,” by Chris Gehrz

“Reformed and always reforming” is a Protestant slogan that points to both deep roots and deep hope. Chris Gehrz surveys the Pietist movement and stresses that we must continue to act in confidence of the resurrection and renewal found in Christ.

“A Shot at Redemption,” by Jill Riley

A profile of Covenanter David Washington’s  journey from gang leader to pastor. After a profound encounter with the grace of God, he turned away from violence and toward following Jesus and shepherding others.

Download COV Sparks for free, and go here to get the Companion delivered to your door.

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Covenant Companion

The Communications staff at The Evangelical Covenant Church works to bring you the most complete information on the stories that matter to the Covenant.

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