New Covenant World Relief Materials Available

The Covenant World Relief (CWR) fall emphasis materials have been mailed to churches.

Each packet includes a cover letter, the CWR fall 2017 update, bulletin inserts, brochure, poster, offering envelope, DVD, soup-can label, Gratitude and Giving Calendar, Project Blue postcard, and a Kids Helping Kids: After a Disaster postcard, which also has additional material about the project online. A special mailing with a cover letter and brochure in Spanish is being sent to Spanish-speaking congregations. These are sample resources that can all be ordered for free on

Many churches have an emphasis on Covenant World Relief around Thanksgiving. “This is tradition, but we welcome and need Covenant World Relief emphasis anytime during the year,” says director Dave Husby.

The Kids Helping Kids: After a Disaster curriculum supplement is especially timely this year.
The project, co-sponsored by Covenant World Relief and Make and Deepen Disciples, raises children’s awareness and funds for efforts that serve some of the poorest people in the world.

The Kids Helping Kids: After a Disaster material was written by Jessica Springer, associate pastor of children’s ministries at Community Covenant Church in Lenexa, Kansas.

Throughout the 12-week curriculum children will learn about the experiences of other kids around the world, play cooperative games, and have opportunities to respond to the lesson. Special offerings help CWR partners to alleviate suffering of children impacted by disasters in places like Nepal, Iraq, India, and Ethiopia.

Many of those places receive little or no news coverage. This year unusually heavy monsoon rains killed more than 1,200 people across India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. In all, more than 41 million people have suffered the direct impact of the rain.

The ECC, through Covenant World Relief, is currently providing funds to three partners to address these disasters in South Asia—The Hindustani Covenant Church, Nepal Christian Relief Services, and World Relief.

Questions, comments, and suggestions for Covenant World Relief resources can be directed to Catherine Werner by emailing her or calling (773) 299-7274.


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