Five for Friday: Major Myths, Brady’s Brand, Fun Science

CHICAGO, IL (November 10, 2017) — Covenanters routinely share links to social media articles and videos that Covenant News Service believes may be of interest to others. Each Friday we post five of them. Following is a sample of those submissions—their inclusion does not represent an endorsement by the Covenant of any views expressed.

The Emotional Challenges of Student Veterans on Campus

The article focuses on veterans returning to college, but much of it is applicable to veterans re-entering the rest of society as well. The church has a great opportunity to be a place of welcome for people who struggle to find their place.

From the article: “In my conversations with student veterans, I found them struggling with their new identity. Many realize they are no longer a service member, but they do not, at the same time, feel like a student. As one student veteran told me, he had a ‘disjointed’ identity. He was trying to figure out who he was.”

Six Myths About Choosing a College Major

This is a must-read article for parents and future college students who are anxious about choosing a major. You’ve probably heard all, or at least most, of these myths stated as truth. i.e., “liberal arts majors are unemployable,” or “it’s important to choose a major early.” This piece is a good reminder that we should value people for their unique gifts and skills and not just for their earning potential.

From the article: “Students get plenty of advice about picking a major. It turns out, though, that most of it is from family and friends, according to a September Gallup survey. Roughly 11 percent had sought guidance from a high school counselor, and 28 percent from a college adviser. And most didn’t think that the advice was especially helpful. Maybe it’s because much of the conventional thinking about majors is wrong.”

Struggling Maplewood Church Finds New Life by Living ‘Like You Are Dying’

The Methodist church in Maplewood, Minnesota, began reaching out to its community and making connections they had never considered prior to their decision to live like they were dying.

From the article: “ ‘We gave up on survival,’ said the Rev. Rachael Warner, then a rookie pastor in her first assignment. ‘We decided if our church only had a few more years left, we wanted them to be years of full integrity—our values, lived out. We decided to let the Holy Spirit show us where to go and follow without reservation.’”

Tom Brady’s Most Dangerous Game

The quarterback already is one of the football “immortals,” and says he has the formula for longevity that will help the body go well beyond the limits we think possible. He has been selling the method to others, saying, “If you want  proof that pliability and the TB12 Method works, I’m it.”

From the article: “The oldest story in sports is not an athlete dying young. The oldest story in sports is an athlete getting old and playing past his prime, somehow hoping to avoid the inevitable. In September, Tom Brady released a book titled ‘The TB12 Method: How to Achieve a Lifetime of Peak Performance,’ in which he attempts to rewrite the oldest story in sports. It is a brief against the inevitable, irresistible not because it supplies its readers with their own blueprint for beating the clock or because it provides access to the teachings of Brady’s fitness adviser and business partner Alex Guerrero, but rather because Brady is living his method, and we don’t know how his story ends.”

An egg that has been cracked underwater 60 feet below the surface.
13 Incredible Science Facts You Probably Didn’t Learn at High School

It is unclear why anyone need to know these facts, but our wonder at what God has made possible isn’t simply utilitarian.

From the article: “In no particular order, here are some mind-bendingly incredible facts that we didn’t learn at high school, but wish we did. Because I certainly would have paid a whole lot more attention if my teacher had shared a few of these insights in class.”

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