November/December Cov Sparks Now Available

CHICAGO, IL (November 13, 2017) — The COV Sparks downloadable discussion guide for the November/December issue of The Covenant Companion is now available. Based on articles from the current issue of the magazine, COV Sparks provides stimulating questions for Sunday-school classes, small-group discussions, and personal reflection.

Articles highlighted in this latest edition include:

Unsung Saints,” by The Covenant Companion staff

We asked readers to nominate members of their congregations whose ministry is unsung but make a big impact through their service. We received nominations that reflected the Covenant as a whole—you will be inspired by their stories.

Breaking the Silence,” an interview with Covenant pastors Peter Ahn and Alex Gee

Two Covenant pastors share their thoughts on the issue of race and the church against the backdrop of heightened cultural and political tensions in our nation. Peter Ahn, who is Korean American, is senior pastor of Metro Community Church in Englewood, New Jersey, and Alex Gee, who is African American, is senior pastor of Fountain of Life Covenant Church in Madison, Wisconsin.

Fleeing to Bethlehem,” by Helen Lee

It was on December 4, 1950, that her grandfather, father, and uncle risked their lives as they fled  from Pyongyang to Seoul during the Korean War. Christmas is always a reminder that Joseph, Mary, and Jesus had to flee for their lives and that suffering is as much a part of the Christmas story as is  celebration.

The Dark Night,” by Chris Haydon

The Light of the world came at night. He still comes to us in the shadows of our fears and failures.

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