Big Q: What are your favorite sayings / advice from your parents?

by Linda Sladkey

I just spent the weekend with my parents, which always sends me down memory lane-especially regarding my favorite things they used to say when I was a kid. Before I would go out with friends, Mom would often say, “Keep your nose clean.” I’m still not sure what that meant. She also scolded my brothers, “You’re gonna fool around until someone gets hurt!”

Dad tended to offer more practical advice: “Measure twice, cut once.” He taught me the importance of showing up for family funerals and celebrations because, “If something important is happening in the family, that’s where you need to be.”

Some parental warnings and advice are downright funny: “If you fall off and break your leg, don’t come running to me.” “Be home by 11:00. Nothing good happens after 11:00.”

The Companion wants to hear your dadisms and momisms – witty or wise. What are your favorite sayings or advice from your parents? Comment below or email

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