Covenant Military Chaplain Organizes Large Army Marriage Retreat

Photo by Staff Sgt. Melissa Parrish, U.S. Army Pacific Public Affairs

HONOLULU, HI (April 6, 2018) – Covenant minister Lt. Col. John M. Grauer, U.S. Army Pacific deputy chaplain, hosted the Pacific’s largest marriage retreat for soldiers and their spouses last month.

“Almost 200 people, including couples and their children, signed up for the event, so we knew in advance this was going to be big,” Grauer told the Hawai’i Army Weekly.

The Strong Bonds weekend included kid-free date nights, high-energy interactive discussions, couples yoga, and couples massages.

Couples attending the retreat ranged from newlyweds to people who have been married for 35 years. “If you’ve been married for a few days or many years, you can always use new strategies to ensure you are building on that trust in your relationship,” Grauer said.

For more on the event, read Strong Bonds.

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