Companion Brings Home Eight EPA Awards

CHICAGO, IL (April 9, 2018)The Covenant Companion received eight top awards, including three first-place honors, from the Evangelical Press Association (EPA). The awards for content published in 2017 were announced at EPA’s annual convention in Orlando, Florida, this past weekend.

EPA consists of more than 300 members: periodicals, organizations and individual members, with a combined circulation of 15 million readers. Awards are given in more than 60 categories.

Ed Gilbreath, executive director for Covenant Communications, said, “It’s definitely an honor to be recognized for the work of the Communications team, especially from an association that includes so many wonderful publications. Congratulations to the many thoughtful and talented writers within the Covenant whose stories we share in every issue of the Companion.”

Click on the linked title to read each award-winning article.

The magazine won three first-place awards.

Standing Column: Jelani Greenidge

Humorous Article: Dana Bowman for “There’s No Crying in VBS”

Student Writer of the Year: Zachary Lee for ‘Theology of the Undead”

The magazine earned two second-place awards.

Denominational Magazine


The magazine earned three third-place awards.

First-Person Article: Helen Lee for “Fleeing to Bethlehem”

Biblical Exposition: Danielle Ng for “The Word Without Words”

Interview Article: Edward Gilbreath for “Breaking the Silence”

To subscribe to the Companion, click here.






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Covenant Companion

The Communications staff at The Evangelical Covenant Church works to bring you the most complete information on the stories that matter to the Covenant.

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