New Tool Gives Churches Fresh Insight to Community

CHICAGO, IL (April 11, 2018) — MissionInsite, a ministry tool available for free to ECC congregations helps churches to better understand their contexts in a rapidly changing world and make informed ministry decisions.

MissionInsite is a web-based tool designed to help congregations start with an accurate appraisal of current realities in each church’s neighborhood while also identifying trends over the next five to ten years. The data measures information that includes age, ethnicity, income, education levels, as well as religious beliefs and lifestyle interests. Much of the data includes current year updates.

Congregations can choose from preset geographies such as zip codes, census tracts, cities or counties, or they can customize searches to create demographic reports. With fresh understanding of their neighborhoods, churches can consider new ways to think about their ministry, growth and outreach, says Shaun Marshall, the director of congregational vitality for the Start and Strengthen Churches mission priority,

Marshall says the tool also is another way that the Covenant seeks to live out being 3Strands Strong.

The denomination is partnering with local conferences to provide the important tool to congregations free of charge. Congregations can learn more about the ministry tool and start using it today by clicking here.


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