200 More Clergy Needed for ‘Flourishing’ Survey

CHICAGO, IL (April 13, 2018) – The Covenant needs 200 more credentialed clergy to help their colleagues by participating in the Lilly Foundation’s Flourishing in Ministry study by May 1.

Participation is free and anonymous. Any ECC pastor in any ministry setting is encouraged to complete the survey. Pastors between calls are also encouraged to participate.

So far, 200 people have completed the study, but another 200 are needed to obtain meaningful data. The study will help the ECC to better consider how it can help ministers to stay healthy as persons and to thrive in mission and ministry.

Reaching the goal means that Lilly Endowment will provide a report for the Ministerium Annual Meeting this June.

To participate, go to the Flourishing in Ministry site and click on “join our study.” The code is: ECC. The feedback tool takes 20 to 30 minutes to complete. You will automatically and immediately receive your feedback report upon completion.


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Covenant Companion

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