2019 Budget Approved

MINNEAPOLIS, MN (June 23, 2018) – Delegates to the 133rd Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Covenant Church approved a $25.9 million budget for 2019.

The budget, presented by Paul Hawkinson, treasurer and executive director of finance,  contains both the operating and directed mission activity.

The operating budget represents the ongoing activities of the core mission priorities and mission support teams. The operating budget is $17.2 million and makes up about 67 percent of the overall budget.

The directed mission budget represents an array of missions that are supported solely by donor-designated gifts but which would not be possible without the infrastructure and support provided by the core operating budget. The directed ministry budget is $9.9 million

Operating Budget

Start and Strengthen Churches – $3 million
Make and Deepen Disciples – $1.18 million
Develop Leaders – $1.79 million
Love Mercy Do Justice – $665,931
Serve Globally – $5.83 million
Communications – $1.38 million
Shared services – $3.4 million

Directed Mission

Covenant Kids Congo – $200,000
Extra Budgetary Missionaries – $1.5 million
Serve Globally Partner Project – $600,000
Global Engagement – $500,000
Covenant World Relief – $2 million
Paul Carlson Partnership – $1.5 million
Friends of World Mission – $200,000
Kingdom Builders – $100,000
Women Ministries projects – $50,000
Bezalel, LLC/Social Enterprise – $600,000
CovEnterprises – $400,000
Lilly Financial Leadership – $250,000
Domestic Disaster Relief – $400,000
Center for Leadership – $150,000
Pastoral Resources (SPE, Covenant Orientation, crisis/counseling) – $400,000

Projected Sources of Income

Local church giving – $8.75 million
Individual donor support – $2.15 million
Fees and expense allocations – $4.9 million
Bequest and reserve transfers – $663,000
External communication sales – $400,000
External rental income – $310,500

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