Walter to Hispanic Covenanters: ‘Your Lives Matter’

President Gary Walter told Hispanic delegates the Covenant stands with them in the “especially painful season” of zero tolerance.

MINNEAPOLIS, MN (June 22, 2018) – President Gary Walter took time during his report to the 133rdAnnual Meeting of the Evangelical Covenant Church to express support for Hispanic members of the denomination.

After asking delegates from predominantly Hispanic congregations to stand, Walter said, “I have a special word this morning for our Hispanic sisters and brothers. I want you know that we know that this has been a particularly painful season. Not that life has ever been an easy season, but we know that with the circumstances surrounding zero-tolerance, it’s been an especially painful season.”

He shared that he had signed a letter along with other leaders of the Evangelical Immigration Table calling for  an end to the zero-tolerance policy that separated children from their parents.

“I want to say to you right now: Your lives matter.”

Delegates responded with an extended standing ovation. Walter added, “I hope you saw that everybody stood to stand with you.”

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