July/August CovSparks Available

CHICAGO, IL (July 2, 2018) — The Cov Sparks downloadable discussion guide is now available for the July/August issue of The Covenant Companion. Based on articles from the current issue of the magazine, COV Sparks provides stimulating questions for Sunday-school classes, small-group discussions, and personal reflection.

Articles highlighted in this latest edition include:

“Nobody Requests a Shipwreck,” by Steve Norman

In the storms of life, we often rely on our finances, wits, and intuition to keep us afloat. While these things are not inherently sinful, they can become idolatrous, and Norman’s account shows that sometimes God allows everything in our life to fall apart to reveal how he is our anchor in the midst of storms.

“Addiction and the Church: The Never-Ending Sequel,” by Dana Bowman

Bowman’s prelude of sorts to her sophomore novel How to Be Perfect Like Me articulates her honest and arduous struggle with her alcoholic relapse and the fear and insecurity she felt about confessing her ongoing struggle to her church. She calls the church to learn now only how to sympathize, but how to to empathize with brothers and sisters struggling with addictions.

“In Desperate Times, the E-Word Needs a Remix,” by Jelani Greenridge

In the midst of controversy about the term “evangelical,” Greenidge proposes a slight variation to the term to describe Christians. He ultimately challenges readers to back up “stated intentions” with “actual practice,” i.e., confronting the sin of racism on a larger and more active scale.

“The Thumb of Fear,” by John E. Phelan Jr.

Musing on a line of prose from poet Mary Oliver, Phelan encourages readers not to embrace the culture of fear that has so paralyzed and gripped the world, but to instead be freed by focusing on perfect love. Not only does it cast out fear, but it enables us to be truly alive.

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