Lawson Named Interim Executive Minister for Develop Leaders

CHICAGO, IL (July 5, 2018) – The Covenant Executive Board has named Carol Lawson as interim executive minister of the Develop Leaders/Ordered Ministry mission priority following a health setback for current interim Richard Lucco.

Lucco, who has been doing double-duty as interim alongside his primary role as executive director of ministry development, has been undergoing treatment for prostate cancer. Following the Annual Meeting, he received news that the cancer had spread and will require a new course of therapy. He remains in his ministry development role full-time.

“Given the medical developments and cumulative emotional weight of this, added to the responsibilities of the interim role, Dick does not feel he can continue to wear both hats,” said Covenant president Gary Walter. “We certainly honor his discernment and owe him great thanks for his generous and effective service, both in leading the Develop Leaders/Ordered Ministry area over the past year and in so capably leading all of his other responsibilities.”

Lawson has served in Develop Leaders/Ordered Ministry since 1999. “We are grateful for Carol’s willingness to step into the interim role,” said Walter. “No one is more familiar with the scope and inner workings of Develop Leaders than Carol. She brings tremendous continuity and competence during this transition period.”

Lawson will serve from July 7 to August 31. Lance Davis, who was elected last month by the Covenant Annual Meeting, will begin as executive minister on September 1.

Walter asks the ECC community to pray for Lawson, the Develop Leaders team, Davis, and especially the Lucco family. “May we all hold up Dick, Valerie, and their sons in our prayers for healing and encouragement.”

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Covenant Companion

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