Annual Report Available for Download, Meeting Videos Online

CHICAGO, IL (July 16, 2018) – The 2017-2018 Annual Report is now available for download. The publication, which is also available in digital form here, includes reports from each of the five mission priorities, affiliates, and support ministries. The website also includes a video with reflections by retiring president Gary Walter.

A print copy of the report, which was distributed to delegates at the 133rd Annual Meeting in Minneapolis last month, will be mailed to every ECC congregation in August.

Bethany Benefit Service sponsored the development of the publication and website.

A delegate summary of the meeting also can be downloaded. A video archive of the meeting, including worship services, awards presentations, special reports, and CovTalks, can be viewed at the Annual Meeting site. Videos of the business sessions can be seen on the CovChurch Facebook page.

Covenant Retirement Communities sponsored the livestream.

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