Wadley Named Executive Director of Liebenzell USA

SCHOOLEY’S MOUNTAIN, NJ (July 25, 2018) – Covenant minister Dennis Wadley has been named the new executive director of Liebenzell USA, a member of the Liebenzell International Network, which has 230 missionaries working in 23 countries.

The organization’s activities include church planting and development, evangelism and discipleship, education and training, as well as offering community programs and humanitarian aid. It also operates a retreat center.

The organization’s roots are in German Pietism. It was formed in 1899 and began as a German support branch of the work of the China Inland Mission.

“I am fired up to help them accomplish their vision through equipping, training, and debriefing missionaries at their 150-acre Retreat Center in New Jersey and by coming alongside the existing missionaries and raising up new ones to accomplish God’s vision for the world,” Wadley said. “There are 964 people groups remaining that don’t have a full-time Christian witness.  We want to help reach those remaining groups!”

Wadley will continue to serve as executive director for the mission organization he founded, Bridges of Hope, which works with locals in South Africa and Ethiopia to do community health evangelism. It also operates a retreat center.

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