Justice-themed T-Shirts Designed by CHIC Teens on Sale

CHICAGO, IL (August 8, 2018) – T-shirts sporting award-winning designs created by teenagers at the recent CHIC youth conference are now available for sale.

Students at CHIC were asked to help tell a “better story about our world, particularly folks who experience life on the margins.” Proceeds from the shirt sales will go directly to mercy and justice ministry in and through the Covenant.

“These winning shirts represent a small percentage of the incredibly thoughtful and creative entries from the Love Mercy Do Justice basecamp,” said Cecilia Williams, executive minister of Love Mercy Do Justice.

Shirts are for sale through September 23, after which they will be printed and shipped directly to people who ordered them.

The shirts are being sold through Fleurish Enterprises, a social enterprise led by members of Canal Street Church in New Orleans.

A social enterprise is a business that seeks to generate self-sustaining revenue while also addressing a community concern. Fleurish is creating pathways for youth and people who were formerly incarcerated to develop skills, find employment and a lifelong vocation.

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