Chester Discusses Pauline Studies on Podcast

CHICAGO, IL (August 15, 2018) – Stephen Chester, North Park Theological Seminary professor of New Testament, discusses his award-winning book, Reading Paul with the Reformers: Reconciling Old and New Perspectives, in an hour-long podcast with OnScript.

Christianity Today named the volume its “Biblical Studies Book of the Year” in 2017.

Chester says that the New Perspective on Paul, a movement that began in the 1970s, has provided an important corrective to the Reformers’ view that Judaism was a legalistic religion and that righteousness was achieved through works.

However, Chester also argues that some prominent proponents of the New Perspective, such as N.T. Wright and Douglas Campbell, caricature the Reformers’ theology and have led some to think that earlier theologians have little or nothing to contribute to contemporary thinking.

An article by Chester on the topic appeared in the Covenant Quarterly and can be read online or downloaded.

His book is available at


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