CWR Fall Emphasis Materials Mailed, Focus on Refugees

CHICAGO, IL (September 21, 2018) — The Covenant World Relief (CWR) fall emphasis materials have been mailed to churches.

“CWR’s ministry continues to grow and expand,” said director Dave Husby. “There are currently 34 CWR partners in 26 countries carrying out programs that are transforming individuals, families, and communities. CWR Sunday is November 18, but we encourage churches to do their CWR emphasis whenever it is most convenient for their church.”

This year’s emphasis focuses on the work of the partners helping refugees around the world. More than 68 million people have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict and war. That is more than any other time in history, Husby noted.

CWR is responding by providing immediate relief as well as long-term community development investments in agriculture, care for vulnerable and orphaned children, improvements in healthcare, and other projects.

Included in the materials sent to churches are samples of bulletin inserts, CWR quarterly updates, brochures, posters, and the “Can for Change” label.

The “Can for Change” activity has continued to be popular among Covenanters. The labels can be taped around empty soup cans or cups into which people can drop change. It is an easy way to remember the needs of the world and to teach children about loving others and stewardship.

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