Wenrich: ‘We Stand in Solidarity with the Jewish Community’

CHICAGO, IL (October 29, 2018) – Evangelical Covenant Church President John Wenrich released a statement today in response to the mass shooting at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue on Saturday:

In the wake of the tragedy in Pittsburgh, we grieve the horrific deaths of the eleven women and men who were gunned down as they participated in the Saturday services at their synagogue. We mourn with their families, friends, and worship community. We pray for the individuals who were seriously injured in the attack, including the brave police officers who no doubt prevented even further fatalities.

We stand in solidarity with our Jewish sisters and brothers, rejecting the spirit of hatred, racism, and anti-Semitism that has taken up residence in too many hearts and minds. May the love and peace of Christ be a healing balm in the aftermath of this massacre. And may the prayers and goodwill of the Covenant community join with that of many others to provide hope and support in this time of sorrow.

After Saturday’s rampage, the 46-year-old gunman surrendered to authorities. He reportedly made anti-Semitic remarks during the attack and had targeted Jews on social media. The shooting is believed to be the deadliest attack on the Jewish community in U.S. history.

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