Next Embrace Webinar: ‘Tough Talks on Sexuality in Urban Contexts’

CHICAGO, IL (November 6, 2018) – The next Embrace webinar, “Tough Talks on Sexuality in Urban Contexts,” will be a conversation with William Mack, founding pastor of Grace Community Covenant Church in Louisville, Kentucky. He also is a certified sexual health specialist and has led numerous sexual health workshops.

The webinar will engage some of the key insights from Mack’s “Tough Talks” workshops, which are designed to equip and encourage faith leaders, parents, and youth to create safe, informed spaces for dialogue around the sensitive topics of human sexuality and gender identity.

The webinar will be held Tuesday, November 13, from 12 to 1 p.m. (CDT). To register, click here.

The webinar is the eighth in a series. Past webinars can be viewed online. Embrace is a suite of human sexuality discipleship resources and experiences in harmony with the ECC’s adopted position, the center of which is “Faithfulness in heterosexual marriage, celibacy in singleness.”

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