Day 1 Gift Idea: Help Translate BLESS Resources

CHICAGO, IL (December 1, 2018) – Throughout the Advent season, Covenant Newswire will highlight daily gift selections from the CovenantCares giving guide. With the free annual catalog, Covenanters can partner with their brothers and sisters around the globe to give gift donations that will help serve communities and advance God’s work in many areas. Gifts include a bridge in the Democratic Republic of Congo, chickens in Honduras, sewing machines in India, and affordable housing in Detroit.

On this first day, we’re turning the spotlight on the BLESS intentional evangelism initiative from the Make and Deepen Disciples mission area. Since its launch in 2017, BLESS has been a huge success, with hundreds of churches reporting that people have come to Christ, and members are becoming more confident in sharing the gospel. Now you can help us translate this important resource into Spanish.

Pastors and lay members of churches echoed the words of one local minister: “What once was ‘scary’ evangelism became just living into who Jesus created us all to be and opening our homes and lives to neighbors, friends, and family. I wanted our community to have an initiative that we could all find common language and live into serving our community. BLESS was the perfect framework.”

Materials that helped the program to be so successful included sermon samples and BLESS small group guides. The sample and guides still need to be translated into Spanish, a lengthy and labor-intensive process. Your gift of $50 through Covenant Cares will enable Spanish-speaking churches to fully participate in this dynamic initiative to bless their neighbors and grow as disciples making disciples.

This and other missional gift-giving options are available right now through CovenantCares Gifts for Mission. Please join us in advancing the mission.

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Covenant Companion

The Communications staff at The Evangelical Covenant Church works to bring you the most complete information on the stories that matter to the Covenant.

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