Home Altar Features New Look

CHICAGO, IL (December 14, 2018) – The January-March 2019 issue of the The Covenant Home Altar devotional guide debuts a new design.

The redesign includes new typography, fresh layout, and an added notes section in the back to invite prayer and contemplation. The cover now highlights text from one of the devotionals.

When the Home Altar was first published in 1939, Covenant president Theodore W. Anderson, wrote in the introduction, “As the manna of old came to God’s people day by day, so would the living bread from God’s word come to our hearts in all its freshness and beauty and transforming power.”

The word of God and its grand story has always been central to our faith, so each week of daily devotions explores one of the Bible’s macro-themes. The Home Altar also reflects the Covenant’s relational core and the belief that we experience that transforming power as we encourage one another’s walk through reading and meditating on the Scriptures together. As the practice has been for 80 years, every reflection is written by Covenanters for Covenanters.

The redesign begins with the first quarter of 2019. When they received their copies recently, one church wrote, “Awesome redesign on the Home Altar devotional booklets. I think more of our younger adults may grab these, as the look is much more modern. Thanks for your work!”

If you would like to recommend someone to write, contact us at editors@covchurch.org or write to us at Home Altar, 8303 W. Higgins Road, Chicago IL 60631. To subscribe go to CovBooks.com or email Communications@covchurch.org.

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