Day 15 Gift Idea: Micro-Enterprise Training

CHICAGO, IL (December 15, 2018) – Throughout the Advent season, Covenant Newswire is highlighting daily gift selections from the CovenantCares giving guide. Through the free annual catalog, Covenanters can partner with brothers and sisters around the globe to give gift donations that will help serve communities and advance God’s work in many areas.

Today we highlight micro-enterprise training. With small loans and job skills training, individuals and families are starting small businesses to generate income in order to afford nutritious food, access better healthcare, and receive invaluable education for their children.

One significant program has been the Vulnerable Orphans and Children Community Development Project (VOC). The program, which is led by the Evangelical Covenant Church of South Sudan and Ethiopia (ECCSSE), provides food, clothing, education, and counseling to the most marginalized orphans. Funded through Covenant World Relief, VOC also offers training in tailoring, weaving, masonry, carpentry, and pottery.

The program was started in South Sudan, but when the civil war erupted there, millions of people fled to neighboring countries. The church continues to carry out the program in the camps and among other refugees. “By helping the mothers learn skills and start businesses, we also help support all the children in the family,” Mathew Jock Moses, ECCSSE president, said.

This and other missional gift-giving options are available now through CovenantCares Gifts for Mission. Please join us in advancing the mission.

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