January/February CovSparks Available

CHICAGO, IL (September 7, 2018) — The COV Sparks downloadable discussion guide is now available for the January/February issue of The Covenant Companion. Based on articles from the current issue of the magazine, COV Sparks provides stimulating questions for Sunday-school classes, small-group discussions, and personal reflection.

“Leading Character”

As we focus on developing new and future leaders in the Covenant, the Companion consulted Covenant ministers about what they’ve learned on the subject. We went to Facebook and asked, “What’s the most important leadership principle you have learned in the course of your ministry? And what have you learned about leadership from your own mistakes?”

“Always On My Mind”
by Marvin B. Eppard

A pastor shares the bittersweet journey of caring for his wife as they face Alzheimer’s together.

“Meet and Greet Survival Guide”
by Linda Sladkey

“That moment when the pastor says, ‘Turn and greet someone seated near you.’ With churning stomach, I stand.” Sladkey shares an introvert’s approach to Sunday morning services and reflects on growing up shy, becoming comfortable with her introvertedness, and learning to navigate extroverted church culture.


COV Sparks questions are also available for Companion columnists John E. Phelan Jr., Jelani Greenidge, and Jodi Moore. 

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