Big Q – How do you observe Lent?

In our house we don’t usually give things up for Lent, but several years ago, my husband decided to stop driving over the speed limit for the forty days leading up to Easter. He reasoned that slowing down might give him more reflection time in the car. But the other cars on the road were no more intent on practicing patience, and by the second week our kids were begging for him to let mom do the driving. In the end we were mostly just glad to return to driving that extra five miles per hour over the limit that we all know won’t get us pulled over. But it did cause me to consider other ways I could clear out space to prepare for Easter.

Ash Wednesday is a month away, and the Companion wants to hear what spiritual practices Covenanters engage in during Lent. Do you make space for a Lenten devotional, enter into a spiritual discipline such as prayer or fasting, or find ways to serve others? How do you observe Lent?

Post your response here or email We’ll publish a selection of responses in our next issue.



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