Five for Friday: Forgiving Tiger, Eating Muskrat During Lent, Emoji Haggadah

CHICAGO, IL (April 19, 2019) – Covenanters routinely share links to social media articles and videos that Covenant News Service believes may be of interest to others. Each Friday we post five of them. Following is a sample of those submissions—their inclusion does not represent an endorsement by the Covenant of any views expressed.

Is it OK to Cheer for Tiger Woods?

It is Good Friday and people are wondering whether it is OK to forgive Tiger Woods. The article is well worth the read for the questions it raises – and the ones it dismisses.

From the article: “Some have wondered whether or why it’s okay to cheer this version of Tiger in this moment, and if such a comeback story could even be possible for a female or other disgraced athlete. (Can you imagine if Hope Solo tried to come back? Or, from a completely different perspective, how Michael Vick has?)”

How Harry Potter and Emoji Became Part of Passover

The Haggadah is the ancient text read by Jews as part of the Passover Seder, which recalls the deliverance of the Hebrew people out of Egypt. It is a compilation of psalms, benedictions, commentaries, and prayer that have been collected over the years, but the original authorship is unknown. According to the Pew Research Center, 70 percent of American Jews say they participate in the Passover Seder, making it the Jewish holiday with the highest participation. Some Jewish historians say the latest versions of the Haggadah are in keeping with tradition of each generation adapting it to their circumstance or aesthetics.

From the article: “Another tradition has sprung up around the Seder: the novelty Haggadah. In addition to Gorfinkel’s graphic novel Haggadah, there’s an emoji Haggadah, a sitcom Haggadah, a zombie Haggadah, a baseball Haggadah, and even a “hipster Haggadah,” written by novelists Jonathan Safran Foer and Nathan Englander. Because it’s 2019, there’s also a Trump Haggadah (tagline: “People All The Time They Come Up And Tell Me This Is The Best Haggadah They’ve Ever Read, They Do, Believe Me”).”

Muskrat Love: Detroit-area Catholics Permitted to Eat Rodent

The permission is related to a dispensation from having to forego meat on Fridays. Some Michigan Catholics still follow the tradition.

From the article: “Missionary priests ‘realized that food was especially scarce in the region by the time Lent came around and did not want to burden Catholics unreasonably by denying them one of the few readily available sources of nutrition — however unappetizing it might be for most folks,’ said Edward Peters, an expert on canon law who is on the faculty at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit.”

There’s No Substitute for Print

There’s nothing like having a printed newspaper – or magazine – delivered to your home. Just saying. Should you want to experience that joy, you can click here.

From the article: The fetching is only the first of the little rituals that attend the reading of a real newspaper. There is the steaming cup of coffee, as essential as a chalice to the Eucharist or a hand-thrown bowl to the tea ceremony, and then the plumping of the reading chair—the quick scan of the front page to get your bearings and then the plunge inside, to international news or an annoying columnist or a review of an unexpected book or (my own preference) the obituaries. (Death is the only news that stays news.)

A brief history of the ball pit

Who couldn’t use a little more playing in a ball pit?

From the article: “So next time you dive into a ball pit and position yourself for the perfect selfie, take a beat to appreciate the fact that what you’re doing should have no purpose. It is its own reward. Then, perhaps, you’ll put down your phone and just savor the moment.”

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