Mozambique Covenanters Spread Hope Amid Ongoing Tragedy

The Melanie Center served as a cholera vaccination hub.

BEIRA, MOZAMBIQUE (May 9, 2019) – Although the Melanie Center sustained significant damage to its building when Cyclone Idai destroyed 90 percent of this city nearly two months ago, the ministry of the Covenant Church of Mozambique continues to feed 100 children a day and has helped reduce the spread of cholera by serving as a vaccination site.

“The Melanie Center is pretty badly damaged, but we don’t let it stop us from loving our kids and our precious community,” said Alex Viana, a Covenant missionary to Mozambique.

More than 2,000 cases of cholera were reported shortly after the cyclone slammed the country on March 15. The government said it was able to contain the outbreak within three weeks after receiving 900,000 doses of vaccines.

More than 6,000 families were vaccinated at the Melanie Center, Viana said.

Immense suffering continues due to the widespread damage and lack of clean water. “Most of the homes in the community were destroyed,” Viana said. “Families are living practically outdoors finding anything they can to shelter them from the hot sun and occasional rain.”

“The need for food is still tremendous. The community is doing its best to quickly plant new seeds in hope of harvesting a crop in the next 60 days,” Viana said.

Most churches lost their buildings in the storm. “But the churches in the disaster areas are growing strong as we continue to love, feed, and care for people,” Viana said. “Churches are meeting outdoors, under trees, and trying to create spaces of shade for church services, Bible studies, and prayer meetings. People are looking for hope.”

He added, “More than 60 new believers at three Covenant churches were baptized on Easter weekend.”

Viana asked Covenanters to continue to pray. “Pray for good health. Pray for food. Pray for assistance in building homes for families in the community. Pray for continued seeking of God. Pray for our pastors as they lead their churches and a very hurting community. Pray that the Holy Spirit continues to move, drawing more and more to Jesus.”

To give to relief efforts, visit the CWR Disaster Response online giving page and note “Mozambique” in the honor/memorial box.

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