Covenant Generosity Funds Aid to Bahamas

CHICAGO, IL (September 20, 2019) – Covenant World Relief has collected $30,000 to benefit relief work in areas laid waste by Hurricane Dorian, director Dave Husby said today.

The money is being funneled to the ministry’s partner Medical Teams International (MTI). The organization released information on what has been distributed so far using funds from Covenant World Relief & Development and other partners.

  • Three Interagency Emergency Health Kits (IEHK) that include medicines and medical equipment, each of which will treat 10,000 people for two months in areas where there are no medical facilities
  • Twenty-four pallets of critical medicines that include antibiotics, medications for chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, asthma, and high cholesterol
  • Five thousand disaster health kits that contain antiseptic wipes, soap, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and other essential items to support individuals in a shelter for a week. MTI plans to ship 7,980 kits.
  • Four hundred Sawyer water filters

“I am very grateful for the generosity of Covenanters who respond when there is a crisis,” said Husby. “The recovery work will take years, and Covenant World Relief & Development will stay involved as long as we are able.”

The Category 5 hurricane was the largest to strike the Bahamas in the nation’s history and sustained winds of 185 mph. The official death toll is 50, with 1,300 people still missing. At least 13,000 homes were destroyed.

Covenanters may give to relief efforts online or by check. Online donors can use the dropdown menu under “choose your designation” and click “Bahamas.” Checks should be addressed to Covenant World Relief, Evangelical Covenant Church, 8303 W. Higgins, IL 60631 with the designation “Bahamas Relief.

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