CHICAGO, IL (October 9, 2019) – President John Wenrich said his first trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo reaffirmed his desire to create and strengthen partnerships throughout the world.

“Entire communities are being transformed due to the work of the Congo Covenant Church through its medical clinics, education, and community development,” Wenrich said. “It was encouraging to see how the Spirit has blessed our partnership for 82 years. We have so much to learn from our sister denomination. It was a delight to honor and affirm their outstanding work in proclaiming and demonstrating the whole gospel.”
Wenrich traveled with Al Tizon, executive minister of Serve Globally, in September. They visited six key ministry centers: Gbadolite, Yakoma, Wasolo, Bumba, Karawa, and Gemena. The group visited a new field that is part of the Karawa Coffee Project, multiple water projects, the Karawa Hospital, and the Lycée Vanette school for girls. They also met with the governors of three provinces.
The coffee project is a joint initiative of the Paul Carlson Partnership and the Congo Covenant Church (CEUM)
Emmanuel Dole Nadonye, a CEUM minister, said, “The president’s visit had a very large impact on the spirit of the entire CEUM, as well as with the governors.” He added that discussions about post-colonialism with Tizon and Wenrich’s commitment to further strengthening the partnership “gave great hope for the continuity of the work of the Lord here in Congo and could make even greater impacts in the future.”
That joint ministry includes Covenant Kids Congo, a partnership with World Vision and the CEUM, to improve the lives of people in the city of Gemena through child sponsorship. Wenrich said it was a privilege to meet the child he and his wife, Julie, sponsor.
“We enjoyed seeing her personality shine through,” Wenrich said. “We experienced Micheline as someone who loves Jesus. It reaffirmed for us the importance of Covenant Kids Congo and how it is a great opportunity to share God’s love.”
News Contact:
Stan Friedman
News and Online Editor
Evangelical Covenant Church