CHICAGO (Jan. 20, 2020)—The Evangelical Covenant Church has been made aware that the Annual Meeting of its sister denomination, Communauté Evangélique de l’Ubangi Mongala (Covenant Church of Congo), was suspended by Congolese police out of an abundance of caution under order by the governor of the province.
No Serve Globally personnel, delegates or attendees at the meeting have been hurt. Evangelical Covenant Church’s Serve Globally personnel are safe and are providing daily updates to Covenant Offices. Because Serve Globally personnel are deeply and historically involved in the ministry of the CEUM, they have an advanced understanding of the state of affairs and will continue to closely follow and report future developments.
We are praying with our Congolese brothers and sisters, as well as with our Serve Globally family serving in the Congo, that God will provide wisdom and peace as they move toward next steps.